Saturday, 25 August 2012

Holy Spirit (1)

…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God. …Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be
born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
                                                                                                                                           John 3: 3-5

                The verses above explain to us by Jesus Himself on how to enter the kingdom of God. Kingdom of God refers to Heaven, the place which all of us want to go one day. In order for us to see the kingdom of God, He says we need to be born again which means we need to repent and take baptism. However, in order for to enter into the kingdom of God, we need to be born of water (water baptism) and receive the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is a very important aspect in a Christian life. Every Christian needs the Holy Spirit in them. The Holy Spirit is the one who comforts, guides, teaches and directs us.

Let’s just say you want to travel to another country, what do you need? Firstly, you need an international passport. With that passport you are able to go to the other country and see that country but you still cannot enter into the country yet as there is immigration check. In order for you to enter that country you need visa and then you are allowed to enter and stay there. This is similar to the kingdom of God.

You need to be baptized (to be born again) in order to see the kingdom of God and this is your passport. In other words, baptism is your passport to see the kingdom of God. Next, for you to enter and stay there, you need the Holy Spirit (baptism of the Spirit). This is your visa to enter and stay there. You should never take the baptism of the Holy Spirit lightly. It is a very crucial aspect of our lives.

                The next question you will be wondering is, how do I get the Holy Spirit then? Firstly, you need to ask and believe! He has promised to give us His spirit when we ask. Next, we need to live a holy life. The Spirit that the Lord is going to give you is Holy and God himself is holy. Thus, it is important that you are holy, living a holy life. You need to remove bad habits, bad thinking and unwanted rubbish from your heart. Let go of every hatred, bitterness and anger. Give your heart to Jesus.

                Besides that, you need to have a good and close relationship with Him. Imagine you have a friend who seldom calls you and talks to you. One day he/she calls and demands that he/she needs something from you. I am sure you would not give much importance to it because this is not someone who bothers to keep in contact with you. However, if you have another friend who always calls you and keeps in touch with you, I am sure you try your very best to fulfill that person’s request.

Thus, if you need the Holy Spirit, you need to spend a lot of time with God. You need to keep in touch and have a close relationship with Him. You need to have daily communication with Him. We need to communicate with Him all the time through prayer, singing praises and reading the Bible or even quiet moments with Him. God has promised to pour His spirit upon us thus you need to be ready to receive the anointing.

I can guarantee you that you won’t regret having a close relationship with Him. I am very sure receiving the Holy Spirit is the best thing that can happen to you. This is because the Holy Spirit is the one who will comfort, guide, direct and teach you.

I hope from this short article you have learnt something about the importance of the Holy Spirit and how to receive it!

A Thank You Letter ...

Thank you for the family you have given me,
Thank you for the wonderful friends you placed in my life,
Thank you for sending the right connections,
Thank you for helping me to be at the right place at the right time,
Thank you for this beautiful comfy home,
Thank you for forgiving me and accepting me just the way I am,
Thank you for giving me salvation and righteousness,
Thank you for the save journey each day,
Thank you for your protection each time I go to bed,
Thank you for giving me a job,
Thank you for molding me to be a great person,
Thank you for your favour everywhere I go,
Thank you for supplying all my needs,
Thank you for a perfect body,
Thank you for good health,
Thank you for the talents you have given me,
Thank you for the knowledge and wisdom,
Thank you for guiding me,
Thank you for blessing me greatly beyond I could imagine,
Thank you for choosing me,
From the bottom of my heart, Thank you!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Fear Not ...

But now thus saith the Lord that created thee … Fear not for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.
Isaiah 43:1

                Are you feeling lonely and left out? Do you feel that you have been forgotten by the people around you? One thing you need to know is that those feelings are wrong. We are never alone and we are never forgotten. In the above verse, God is reminding us not to be afraid. In whatever situation, do not fear. You may be in a difficult relationship, financial problem, a lawsuit, people may have hurt you and done you wrong or you may have lost a loved one.  Do not be afraid because He has redeemed us. He is with us all the time. We are his chosen people. We belong to Him. I am glad to be His because I know He will take care of everything that concerns me.

We are special to Him. Each one of us is special to Jesus. He died for our sins so that we would be saved and have a place in heaven. He also said that He has called us by our name and we are His. Isn’t this a great thing? The Almighty God who created Heaven and Earth (everything in it) and us, human beings, out of the ashes knows us by our name. We are not a stranger to Him. When we know someone’s name, it means that person means something to us. If no, we would not be bothered to know his or her name. And here God says that he knows your name.

He knows everything about you. He was the one who formed you and shaped you. Given you the right colour, race, characteristic and family. He knew you even when you were in your mother’s womb. This means that He has created us for a reason and a great purpose in life.  

Jesus said that we belong to Him. We are His. This means that we are not on our own. He has all the rights in our life. However, God will not force you to do anything. He is a loving, caring, faithful and patient God. A God who is filled with long-suffering and gentleness. He will never force us to do something that we do not like. But if we give Him the permission to have the right in our life, we are opening ourselves to overflow blessings, favour, grace and mercy.

                So, from this verse, we can have the confidence in God and know that he is on our side. He knows you and me and we belong to Him. Therefore, surely He will take care of us in whatever situation, in whatever trouble we are in. I am glad to be called His and that He knows my name. This shows that I am somebody to Him. J

No One But Jesus

            Through the years, one thing I have learnt about life is it is not always easy. There are days when we are on top of the world and there are days when we hit rock bottom. However, in tough times and in time of need, there is one person who will stick by you no matter what you have done, no matter what your skin colour is or your race or your personality. This person is always by your side and He will never leave you nor forsake you in whatever situation.

Perhaps, right now you are facing some difficult challenges and you feel so lonely. You feel that no one cares and no one is on your side. You feel lost and everyone is against you. But remember that you are in His palm, He has graven your image in His palm and you are the apple of His eye. He continually thinks about you. Do not expect people to be on your side to encourage you, to lift you up and to help you out. Instead, expect Jesus to do a miracle in your life and to carry you out of your troubles.

Jesus is the lifter up of our head and He will uphold us. Believe in His words. There may be people in your live who have walked away from you when you need them the most, but Jesus will never walk away from you. His mercies are new every morning. He is forever faithful and true.  

            No matter how much you have messed up in life, no matter how many times you have hurt Him and sinned, no matter how many times you have gone on the wrong path and made wrong decisions, He still loves you. He is still waiting to forgive you and accept you into His arms. All He wants is for us to repent and confess our faults, and He will wash away every sin, hurt, pain, guilt and condemnation.

            Some of you might have been taught that Jesus is angry with you because of your mistakes and He is against you. No, He is not angry at you, He doesn’t condemn you. He accepts you just the way you are and He is eager for you to run into His arm. Through life experience, I know He is good. I have seen Him lifting me up in hard times especially when there is no one around. He will do the same for you.

He will always give you another chance. He is a God of another chance. Remember, He doesn’t condemn you and He is not against you instead He is for you! His mercy is new every morning. Every morning is a new beginning and another new day of opportunity. Start the day expecting to receive from Him. J

Friday, 10 August 2012

Vengeance Belongs to God

“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves … : for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
              repay saith the Lord.”

                                 Romans 12:19

In the world that we live today, often we will come across people who would hurt us so bad that we think it is impossible to forgive them. We might even meet people who despitefully make use of us for their own advantage and people who are filled with bitterness, hatred, anger, jealousy and despise us for no reason. If at this moment you can think of someone, do not worry. This is something we cannot avoid.

There are times when we may have not done anything to them, yet they hurt us badly. Usually, we think it is right to give them a piece of our mind, throw some hurtful words back to them or do the same thing or even worst things to them so that they would know what it feels like. If these thoughts have crossed your mind, I would advise you to delete it!

This is because one thing I have learnt over the years is that God doesn’t want us to avenge ourselves. He has clearly said it in the verse above. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves…” Do not take revenge against anyone no matter what they have done to you. The above verse is a great and powerful verse which we have to hold on. God tells us that He will keep the account of what our enemies do to us and He will repay. We must believe in His words and forgive our enemies. As what T.D. Jakes says, “Let it go!”.

Never have anger, hatred, bitterness or grievance towards anyone in our hearts. Remember that God dwells in our hearts so it is important that it is clean our hearts of any kind of ‘rubbish’. Let it all go. No doubt it is easier said than done, but once you have tried and see the result, it wouldn’t be a struggle in future. Just trust in His words and it will come to pass.

Remember that, when God avenges, it is a dangerous thing. So next time when someone do you wrong, forgive, let it go and move forward. He keeps the account. Why do we worry what people say about us, or do to us? God has said that He will prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies.

He will settle the account one day! Just trust in Him and continue to do good to everyone. He is a fair God.

Friday, 3 August 2012

7 Things the Lord Hates

Proverbs 6 : 16 – 19

                These verses are about the seven things that the Lord HATES. It is crucial that we understand these verses and act on it. It is important that we please Him and not go against His words. Now that we know the things that displeases the Lord, avoid it.

The seven things that the Lord hates are as below:-

1.       A proud look – The Bible clearly states that the Lord resisteth the proud. He hates people with a proud look and people who think they are greater than anyone else or those who think they can do all things by themselves. However, the Lord loves people who are humble and meek; people who totally trust and hope in Him. People who surrender everything to Him. People who hope in Him. You may not be perfect, you may have messed up, you even may have sin so much till no one could forgive you but God loves you as long as you are humble and meek. He accepts you just the way you are. But come with a humble heart. Who you were in the past or what you have done in the past doesn’t matter to Him, as long as you trust in Him and come with a humble heart. 

2.       A lying tongue – God hates liars. Why? Because the Bible states that the devil is the father of all lies. Thus when you lie, you belong to the devil and you are not of God. Jesus is light and the truth is in Him. So we must be just like our Father. We must watch our mouth and we must have the fear of the Lord in us. Never lie. God hates a lying tongue. Like the saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy.” In whatever situation, just be honest and God will take care of everything. Be honest especially to Him. If you have messed up, confess and be honest to Him. He is waiting to forgive you. Remember, He is love. 

3.       Hands that shed innocent blood – God hates murderer. People who take innocent lives.  

4.       A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations – This refers to any evil thoughts in our mind or heart. For example, God doesn’t like it if we have hatred, plans to take revenge, wish evil to happen to others, have bitterness or jealousy. We must put all this away from us. We must come to His presence with a clean heart. God has said to do good to all, and this includes your enemies! Do it, and you will see the blessings in your life.  

5.       Feet that be swift in running to mischief – People who don’t think twice when they commit a sin. They are quick to sin. Be careful. It is important that we control our emotions, mouth, thinking and our steps.  

6.       A false witness that speaketh lies – Jesus does not like liars and also false witness.  

7.       He that soweth discord among brethren – Meaning people who create problems between two people. One way we can sow discord is through gossiping or saying things we should not. Try to live peacefully with others and learn to ignore a lot more. If it is not our business, let it go.

Do Not Worry :)

Matthew 6:25-34

             God has commanded us not to worry – not to worry about what to eat, drink or wear. God asks us, “Isn’t life more than meat (food) and raiment (clothes)? Why God commands us not to worry is because He loves us so much that He doesn’t want His children to worry nor lack anything in life. Consider this: Do you want your children to suffer, to worry about life and have lack in their lives? I am sure no. Look at Matt. 7:9 – 11 – Here God says that even human beings who are evil know how to give good things to their children, what more God.

            Coming back to Matt. 6, in verses 26, 28 and 30, God gives us an illustration that birds which do not sow, reap nor gather food in barns still have food because God provides; lilies of the field that grow when they do not need to toil (work hard) nor spin; and how the grass of the field is clothed by God. He said aren’t we much better then them? Looking at all these, don’t you think that God will surely take care of your food, drink and clothings?

            God questions us, if we do worry about these things, can we gain anything (verse 27 – Which of you by taking thought (worrying) can add one cubit unto his stature(achievements))? Think about it. It is true that no matter how much we worry and think about things, we cannot gain anything. Therefore, there is no point in worrying.  

            BUT in order for us to receive everything that we need there is something that we need to do. Matt. 6:33 says that we need TO SEEK FIRST HIS KINGDOM (heaven/seek God) AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS (a right relationship with God). What does this mean?

            It mean we have to give first priority and importance to God, which includes going to church every Sunday, praying without ceasing, reading the Bible, rejoicing in the Lord always, singing psalms, making music in your heart, keeping his commandments, etc. In other words, we just need to SEEK HIM and TRUST HIM and everything (not just food, drink and clothes but everything that we need) will be added into our lives.

            Col. 3:2 says that we need to set our affections (love and likes on things above (heaven and God). Similar to seek His Kingdom and righteousness. When you do this, there is nothing for you to worry about. He will take care of everything which concerns you. He is good and He is indeed good all the time. Remember, He is in total control of everything. Thus, choose not to worry. God Bless U.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

You Are the Temple of God

“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

                                                                                                                      1 Corinthians 3:16 – 17

                The above verse clearly states what we are. We are God’s temple. His sanctuary. The place where He stays. The place where He resides. His home. His Holy Spirit dwells in us. We must realize that once we are born again Christians, we are His temple and His temple needs to be clean.  
Cleanliness doesn’t depend on how many times you bath in a day or how much you scrub your body. How good you smell.  It doesn’t matter physically. But your inner self should be clean. Your heart and mind should be clean.  In other words, our heart and mind must be holy and pure.
                Many of us Christians fill our hearts with garbage. Our hearts are filled with anger, hatred, dissatisfaction, unforgiveness, accounts of the wrong done to us, grudge, revenge, jealousy, unhappiness, fear, worry and guilt. Ask yourself this question: Would you live in a dirty and filthy house? Would you live in a smell house? Would you live in an overcrowded house? Of cause NO. No one wants to live in such a condition.
                Same as God. God wants our heart and mind to be holy, pure and clean. Remove the garbage from your life and when He dwells in us, you will see the overflowing blessing. Take Him at His word. Believe in His word.
If you struggle with sin, confess to Jesus and He promises to forgive and not remember it anymore. Isn’t that a great thing? We have the opportunity just to confess our sins to Jesus and not only He forgives but he forgets. He doesn’t keep account. If Jesus can do it to us, why can’t we forgive and forget all the wrongs done to us. If you do it, you can feel the burden lifted from you. You can feel the garbage is removed. You can feel your heart is clean. And His Spirit will dwell in us.
                Just let everything go. Le the hurt, the anger, the jealousy, the fear, the worry and the guilt go away. Choose to leave the baggage behind. Don’t carry it. Just empty your hearts and Jesus will fill it. Remember that we are His temple and we have to keep His temple clean. That’s our responsibility.

Controlling Your Mind

“Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

                                                                                                                                                2 Corinthians 10 : 5

The verse above clearly tells us that it is crucial for us to control our thoughts and mind. The Word of God says that we need to cast down imaginations and every high thought that is against the knowledge of God; to bring into captivity EVERY thought to the OBEDIENCE of Christ. All our thoughts should be from God.
Did you know that your mind is a battlefield. We do not war against our relatives, family members, neighbours, as a matter of fact with any human being. Our war is against the devil. He is our main enemy who came to steal and destroy us and to make sure that we burn in hell. The devil first attacks our minds. This is something that everyone needs to realize. Whether you are a new born again Christian or a 30-year-old believer, you need to be careful and always be on guard. Our mind is the battlefield that determines your happiness.   
Therefore, it is very important that we are able to control our thoughts and feelings. We should know the moment the devil is attacking our mind by speaking unbelief or things against the knowledge of Christ. Do not give a single second of your time to the devil’s lies when it attacks your mind. In whatever situation, refer to God, talk to Him, ask for His advice, open the Bible and read. God is ever-ready to listen and to help you out in whatever situation. Never have the thought “Who am I? I am not holy. God wouldn’t listen to me.” If you have those thoughts, that’s the devil speaking condemnation to you. God has said, come and confess and He is merciful to forgive us. That is why it is important that we know His verses and it is continuously in our mind.
Let me explain further on how the devil attacks your mind. Firstly, when your mind is idle that is when your mind is inactive or when it is not thinking about Jesus nor singing praise, the devil will attack it. Because the devil knows that the line is clear to attack it. It will send in so many thoughts about your past, or current situation, what God is not doing for you, why you should go to church etc. Eventually, without you realizing, your mind will be controlled by the devil. This is something dangerous and this is when trouble and unhappiness will begin in your life. This is the point you will be far away from God.
For example, someone has done you wrong in the past and one day you made the decision to forgive the person as what the Bible instructs us to do. Good however, there will be times when the devil will remind you of what the person has done to you, how much hurtful words were thrown at you, how badly you were treated, the embarrassment he/she caused in your life and many more. The devil will also remind you, how can you forgive such a person, he/she doesn’t deserve to be forgiven, don’t forgive. The devil will also remind or show you things that it is absolutely normal to NOT forgive other people and the joy of taking revenge. It will remind you that it is okay to take revenge or have a grudge when the Bible says the total opposite.
If you do not control your mind from the beginning when the devil attacks you, slowly it will choke the Word of God in your life. Somehow you will forget what God has said, you will forget about forgiveness, about letting go, about not keeping a grudge, about love, about everything. God has said to love others as you love yourself and He had asked how can you love Me whom you cannot see when you hate your own brother whom you can see (paraphrased).
Now, the question is how to we solve this problem? The problem of what to do when my mind is being attack. In my opinion, the most important thing that we as Christians need to do is to continuously listen to either his songs (songs of praise and worship) or messages by pastors or even by reading the Bible or any other Christian books/magazines. It is important that we continually update our list of Praise and Worship songs that we would never feel bored. It is also important that we constantly keep our mind busy with God. You may say this sounds like a fanatic, a true scary fanatic, but you need to remember that the devil is like a roaring lion. It is just waiting who it can devour. There is nothing wrong in being a fanatic for Jesus. I would tell you that it is so much safer.
It is better to be safe than to fall into trouble and lose your peace. Movies, television and the Internet are the greatest tools the devil uses to change your thinking towards life and God. In movies, it is so clear that the devil is trying to send wrong messages which are against the Word of God. For example, these tools will portray that it is okay or normal to commit suicide, or to take revenge on someone who has hurt us, to have hatred, or to give a piece of your mind to someone and to lose your temper. We keep thinking it is very normal. But in fact this is all against the teaching of Jesus.
You do not have the right to take away your own life because you belong to Jesus, you are His. The Bible teaches us not to take revenge instead to love your enemies and bless those who curse you. The Bible also teaches us to be humble and meek not to show your ego and give our piece of mind nor to lose your temper. No one needs to hear ‘your piece of mind’. What people need is love and patience. Only Jesus is love and we as His children need to show it to the world. Even that is His commandments. Because just how the father is, that is how the son should be.
God will not control your mind for you. You need to control it yourself because we are no longer babies but we are adults. It is time for us to know what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong. Remember, you are the one who needs to control your mind. It is in your hands.

The Lord Laughs at Your Enemies

"The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him; for He seeth that his day is coming"

                                                                                                                           Psalms 37 : 12 -13

            These verses clearly indicate that we should not worry about our enemies nor their plans. They may be a majority or they may look powerful but remember "If God is for us, who shall be against us?"; A thousand shall fall at thy side, ten thousand at thy right hand, but they shall not come nigh thee! God is watching over us. Every step we take, every move we make, every second of our life, He is watching over us. He is in control. He sees everything and He knows their thoughts and plans.

           All we have to do is put our trust in Him and believe that He is totally in control. Verse 13 says that God is LAUGHING at them because these people don't realise that their day is coming. They don't even know if they would be alive tomorrow, yet they live a filled with pride. These people think that they are great and all power belongs to them, but they are so wrong.
            So next time when someone hurts you, make use of you or spread rumours about you, do not worry. Pay them no mind. God is in control. All power belongs to Him and He sees and knows everything. He controls everything. He is the God who made the universe and created us. We just need to rest in Him, be still and know that He is God! Remember, God is laughing at your enemies! This is a very encouraging verse.