Coming back to Matt. 6, in verses
26, 28 and 30, God gives us an illustration that birds which do not sow, reap
nor gather food in barns still have food because God provides; lilies of the
field that grow when they do not need to toil (work hard) nor spin; and how the
grass of the field is clothed by God. He said aren’t we much better then them? Looking
at all these, don’t you think that God will surely take care of your food, drink
and clothings?
God questions us, if we do worry
about these things, can we gain anything (verse 27 – Which of you by taking
thought (worrying) can add one cubit unto his stature(achievements))? Think
about it. It is true that no matter how much we worry and think about things,
we cannot gain anything. Therefore, there is no point in worrying.
BUT in order for us to receive
everything that we need there is something that we need to do. Matt. 6:33 says
(a right relationship with God). What does this mean?
It mean we have to give first
priority and importance to God, which includes going to church every Sunday,
praying without ceasing, reading the Bible, rejoicing in the Lord always,
singing psalms, making music in your heart, keeping his commandments, etc. In
other words, we just need to SEEK HIM and TRUST HIM and everything (not just
food, drink and clothes but everything that we need) will be added into our
Col. 3:2 says that we need to set
our affections (love and likes on things above (heaven and God). Similar to
seek His Kingdom and righteousness. When you do this, there is nothing for you to worry about. He will take care of everything which concerns you. He is good and He is indeed good all the time. Remember, He is in total control of everything. Thus, choose not to worry. God Bless U.
Amen... I'll keep myself reminded not to worry dead about everything. God knows what we need. He provides. He does.
ReplyDelete:) yup, He is faithful. Watching over u