Saturday, 25 August 2012

Holy Spirit (1)

…Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God. …Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be
born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
                                                                                                                                           John 3: 3-5

                The verses above explain to us by Jesus Himself on how to enter the kingdom of God. Kingdom of God refers to Heaven, the place which all of us want to go one day. In order for us to see the kingdom of God, He says we need to be born again which means we need to repent and take baptism. However, in order for to enter into the kingdom of God, we need to be born of water (water baptism) and receive the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is a very important aspect in a Christian life. Every Christian needs the Holy Spirit in them. The Holy Spirit is the one who comforts, guides, teaches and directs us.

Let’s just say you want to travel to another country, what do you need? Firstly, you need an international passport. With that passport you are able to go to the other country and see that country but you still cannot enter into the country yet as there is immigration check. In order for you to enter that country you need visa and then you are allowed to enter and stay there. This is similar to the kingdom of God.

You need to be baptized (to be born again) in order to see the kingdom of God and this is your passport. In other words, baptism is your passport to see the kingdom of God. Next, for you to enter and stay there, you need the Holy Spirit (baptism of the Spirit). This is your visa to enter and stay there. You should never take the baptism of the Holy Spirit lightly. It is a very crucial aspect of our lives.

                The next question you will be wondering is, how do I get the Holy Spirit then? Firstly, you need to ask and believe! He has promised to give us His spirit when we ask. Next, we need to live a holy life. The Spirit that the Lord is going to give you is Holy and God himself is holy. Thus, it is important that you are holy, living a holy life. You need to remove bad habits, bad thinking and unwanted rubbish from your heart. Let go of every hatred, bitterness and anger. Give your heart to Jesus.

                Besides that, you need to have a good and close relationship with Him. Imagine you have a friend who seldom calls you and talks to you. One day he/she calls and demands that he/she needs something from you. I am sure you would not give much importance to it because this is not someone who bothers to keep in contact with you. However, if you have another friend who always calls you and keeps in touch with you, I am sure you try your very best to fulfill that person’s request.

Thus, if you need the Holy Spirit, you need to spend a lot of time with God. You need to keep in touch and have a close relationship with Him. You need to have daily communication with Him. We need to communicate with Him all the time through prayer, singing praises and reading the Bible or even quiet moments with Him. God has promised to pour His spirit upon us thus you need to be ready to receive the anointing.

I can guarantee you that you won’t regret having a close relationship with Him. I am very sure receiving the Holy Spirit is the best thing that can happen to you. This is because the Holy Spirit is the one who will comfort, guide, direct and teach you.

I hope from this short article you have learnt something about the importance of the Holy Spirit and how to receive it!

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