“Dearly beloved,
avenge not yourselves … : for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will
repay saith the
Romans 12:19
In the world that we live today, often we will come
across people who would hurt us so bad that we think it is impossible to
forgive them. We might even meet people who despitefully make use of us for
their own advantage and people who are filled with bitterness, hatred, anger,
jealousy and despise us for no reason. If at this moment you can think of
someone, do not worry. This is something we cannot avoid.
There are times when we may have not done anything to
them, yet they hurt us badly. Usually, we think it is right to give them a
piece of our mind, throw some hurtful words back to them or do the same thing
or even worst things to them so that they would know what it feels like. If
these thoughts have crossed your mind, I would advise you to delete it!
This is because one thing I have learnt over the years
is that God doesn’t want us to avenge ourselves. He has clearly said it in the
verse above. “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves…” Do not take revenge
against anyone no matter what they have done to you. The above verse is a great
and powerful verse which we have to hold on. God tells us that He will keep the
account of what our enemies do to us and He will repay. We must believe in His
words and forgive our enemies. As what T.D. Jakes says, “Let it go!”.
Never have anger, hatred, bitterness or grievance
towards anyone in our hearts. Remember that God dwells in our hearts so it is
important that it is clean our hearts of any kind of ‘rubbish’. Let it all go.
No doubt it is easier said than done, but once you have tried and see the
result, it wouldn’t be a struggle in future. Just trust in His words and it
will come to pass.
Remember that, when God avenges, it is a dangerous
thing. So next time when someone do you wrong, forgive, let it go and move
forward. He keeps the account. Why do we worry what people say about us, or do
to us? God has said that He will prepare a table for us in the presence of our
He will settle the account one day! Just trust in Him and continue to do
good to everyone. He is a fair God.
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