Friday 3 August 2012

7 Things the Lord Hates

Proverbs 6 : 16 – 19

                These verses are about the seven things that the Lord HATES. It is crucial that we understand these verses and act on it. It is important that we please Him and not go against His words. Now that we know the things that displeases the Lord, avoid it.

The seven things that the Lord hates are as below:-

1.       A proud look – The Bible clearly states that the Lord resisteth the proud. He hates people with a proud look and people who think they are greater than anyone else or those who think they can do all things by themselves. However, the Lord loves people who are humble and meek; people who totally trust and hope in Him. People who surrender everything to Him. People who hope in Him. You may not be perfect, you may have messed up, you even may have sin so much till no one could forgive you but God loves you as long as you are humble and meek. He accepts you just the way you are. But come with a humble heart. Who you were in the past or what you have done in the past doesn’t matter to Him, as long as you trust in Him and come with a humble heart. 

2.       A lying tongue – God hates liars. Why? Because the Bible states that the devil is the father of all lies. Thus when you lie, you belong to the devil and you are not of God. Jesus is light and the truth is in Him. So we must be just like our Father. We must watch our mouth and we must have the fear of the Lord in us. Never lie. God hates a lying tongue. Like the saying goes, “Honesty is the best policy.” In whatever situation, just be honest and God will take care of everything. Be honest especially to Him. If you have messed up, confess and be honest to Him. He is waiting to forgive you. Remember, He is love. 

3.       Hands that shed innocent blood – God hates murderer. People who take innocent lives.  

4.       A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations – This refers to any evil thoughts in our mind or heart. For example, God doesn’t like it if we have hatred, plans to take revenge, wish evil to happen to others, have bitterness or jealousy. We must put all this away from us. We must come to His presence with a clean heart. God has said to do good to all, and this includes your enemies! Do it, and you will see the blessings in your life.  

5.       Feet that be swift in running to mischief – People who don’t think twice when they commit a sin. They are quick to sin. Be careful. It is important that we control our emotions, mouth, thinking and our steps.  

6.       A false witness that speaketh lies – Jesus does not like liars and also false witness.  

7.       He that soweth discord among brethren – Meaning people who create problems between two people. One way we can sow discord is through gossiping or saying things we should not. Try to live peacefully with others and learn to ignore a lot more. If it is not our business, let it go.

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